No...It’s Not About Baking
P.I.E. is a Professional Development Tool
P.I.E. stands for Preparedness, Image and Effort—three essential components of any plan aimed at building greater professional success. It forms the foundation for the book "Keep Your P.I.E. Fresh" that looks at how we must constantly keep our brand fresh and how we need to constantly improve by 10%. Let's look at each piece of the pie, if you will, one at a time...
The Story of P.I.E.
Welcome to the story behind "P.I.E." (from the book “Keep Your P.I.E. Fresh”).
First of all, congratulations on your commitment to exploring the “10%” in your journey to greater professional success. The team and I have been working with people since the early 2000’s using the transformational power of what we call "10%" improvement or bite-sized improvement, and we have seen how this method dramatically improves the success people have been able to achieve.
Combining the power of 10% with the principles of ‘P.I.E.’, means that creating plans to achieve greater success is easier to build and implement. Watermarq's tools, strategies and resources you will discover, are the tools we use in our workshops, are also written about in the book, and now are baked into our website. They are designed not only to enable you to discover what is most important in the development of your career, but also to enable you to achieve more than you ever thought possible.
Yah, yah, yah...so what does P.I.E. actually mean?
P.I.E.™ is a professional development tool, standing for Preparedness, Image and Effort, P.I.E. and is a tool used to achieve goals, drive change and build success. Ok, so here it is...the tool that has help so many over the years...and it started in the UK with the Global Category Leaders in Procurement @ HSBC - Success "P.I.E.".
Preparedness is a good "readiness" term. Meaning: If someone presented you with an opportunity that you needed to compete for, how ready would you be to successfully land that opportunity? In order to prepare for success, you must understand alignment, core competencies, and the unique features that make you stand out in a crowd - your brand. You must also understand how they link to your network, career and company.
Image describes the perception others have of you—and this is critical to your success. It takes a village to create success, and if the villagers don’t like what they see, feel and hear, you’ll find your career a continual struggle rather than welcome support. Image consists of the behaviors you use, values, relationship building style, willingness, perceived effort and your ability to add value to the team, department or company.
Effort is your ability to do the right things, do what you say you're gong to do and it's about getting things done. Whether it’s related to your current job, pursuing your next role, self-development, or sharing your accomplishments, effort is the action element of your journey to greater success. You cannot make improvements in preparedness or image without it.​
You'll find that Watermarq's on-demand (A.I.) coaches often use P.I.E. in their suggested solutions. It seems to make sense - by breaking down development opportunities into bite-sized bits, it is easier to implement and development, especially considering the crazy hectic lives we lead!
Best wishes using the principles of P.I.E. to find the “10%” in your journey to greater professional success!
Best wishes,
Todd & The Watermarq Team